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Nested Accordion in Salesforce LWC

Are you new to LWC ? Are you wondering how to loop in and make a nested accordion in LWC.?
No worries. You are are at the right place.

Today in this blog we will go through this simple requirement. We will see how we can loop and use lightning-accordion in our code.

Use Case:
Use case is very Simple . We need to Print all Contacts which are related to a particular account . We have done this several times using different methods. But in this blog we will see how we can use map to get Account Name as Key and the related contacts as the Value.

It will have learn following in this blog:
  • How to create Key map to pull all the Account Records which has atleast one Contact in key:value fashion.
  • How to use Wire service to pull data.
  • How to use Lightning Accordion.
Let us jump into code now.

Apex Controller

In this Apex Class we are fetching all Contact records and the Account Name to which it is associated. We are then creating a map of Type Map<String, List<Contact>>. This will contain Account name as String and List<Contact> will have contact records.

And finally we are returning “JSON.serialize(lstaccContWrapper);”
This means we are returning JSON in String type.

public without sharing class NestedAccordionController {
    public NestedAccordionController() {


    @AuraEnabled(Cacheable = true)
    public static String fetchAccContactRecords(){ 
        List<Contact> contactRecords = new list<Contact>();
        contactRecords = [SELECT Id,Name,Account.Name,Phone                           
                            FROM Contact];

        List<AccountContactWrapper> lstaccContWrapper = new List<AccountContactWrapper>();
        Map<StringList<Contact>> mapAccNameContactRec = new Map<StringList<Contact>>();

        for (Contact con: contactRecords) {                                         
            if(String.isNotBlank(con.Account.Name)) {
                String mapKey = con.Account.Name;
                if(!mapAccNameContactRec.containsKey(mapKey)) {
                    mapAccNameContactRec.put(mapKey, new List<Contact>());

        System.debug('mapAccNameContactRec '+mapAccNameContactRec);

        for(String name : mapAccNameContactRec?.keySet()) {
            lstaccContWrapper.add(new AccountContactWrapper(name, mapAccNameContactRec.get(name)));
        return JSON.serialize(lstaccContWrapper);

    public class AccountContactWrapper {
        public String Name   { getset; }
        public List<Contact> Contacts   { getset; }

        public AccountContactWrapper(String Name,List<Contact> Contacts )
            this.Name = Name;
            this.Contacts = Contacts;

In this HTML file we are using for:each to iterate over each record one by one.

    <template if:true={Accounts}>   
        <div class="slds-m-around_small" style="background-color: lightcoral;">
        <h3><b>List of Accounts and its related Contacts:</b></h3> 
        </div>   <br />
            <lightning-accordion allow-multiple-sections-open ="true">
                <template for:each={Accounts} for:item="acc">
                    <div key={acc.Name} class="slds-m-around_small" style="background-color: rgb(224, 169, 169);">
                     <lightning-accordion-section name={acc.Name} label={acc.Name}>
                        <lightning-accordion allow-multiple-sections-open ="true">
                                <template for:each={acc.Contacts} for:item="con">
                                    <lightning-accordion-section key={con.Name} name={con.Name} label={con.Name}>
                                        <div >
                                           <b>Contact Name: </b> {con.Name}<br />
                                           <b>Contact Phone: </b> {con.Phone}

Here in the JS file ,we are using @wire service to fetch records from Apex since we are not performing any DML or manipulating any data in Apex

import { LightningElement,wire } from 'lwc';
import fetchAccContactRecords from '@salesforce/apex/NestedAccordionController.fetchAccContactRecords'
export default class NestedAccordion extends LightningElement {


  wiredRecords({error, data}){            
      if ( data ) {
          this.Accounts = JSON.parse(data);
          this.errors = undefined;
      else if( error ) {
          this.Accounts = undefined;
          this.errors = error;
Now, In our meta file we are exposing our LWC component in different targets.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningComponentBundle xmlns="">
    <masterLabel>Nested Accordion Example</masterLabel>

Final Output:

Thanks for reading.!!
#HappyCoding :)


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